Sunday, October 30, 2011

Animal Cell Project

This is a prezi presentation I made on animal cells. Please enjoy and point out any errors in the comment section below!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Cell Mind Map

My cell map that I made with; please post a comment down below if you liked it

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Integer Tip

Positve x Positive = Positive
Negative x Negative = Positive
Negative x Positive = Negative
Positive x Negative = Negative

If the sign is the same, the answer is Positive.
If the sign is different, the answer is Negative.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Dividing and Multiplying Integers

Please visit the link above for the voice thread!

Hello everyone, this voicethread explains the rules of multiplying and dividing intergers and how to use them to solve simple equations!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Subtracting Integers

If you don't know how to subtract integers, don't get it, or just want to learn a faster way of doing it or understanding it, simply watch the video.
(Make sure it's in full screen)

If you have any questions, or found something incorrect, simply post it down below!

*Watch it on the site. Messes up when you embed it on the page :(

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Everything About Math

Interactive Math Website
Hello students! Here is one stop shop for everthing you need about math.
Click the link below and watch all interactive math websites.
Pick your Grade Level and continue to learn at your own pace.

More About Cells

Hello Students, click on the link below, you will not believe your eyes what you will see about cells.
So many never seen before images of cells.  Yes, cells, both animal and plant cells.

Study and Know Everything About Cell

To Know everything about animal cell and prepare for any quiz, just click the link below:
Be sure to take some notes that can help you remember what you learn.
Good luck.

Friday, October 14, 2011

What we learned about in cells!

My little presentation about what we learned about in science about cells. Please tell me if there's any incorrect information, or if I missed something. 
Make sure you turn down your speakers a bit : D

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Cell Theory

Animal and Plant Cells
What have you learned about plant and animal cells in general?
Your discussion and explanation should include what you know about organelles, cellular transport, active transport, osmosis and diffusion.
Remember you can include diagrams, videos and photos in your write up. You can also provide links or URLs in your write up.
Check your spelling and proof read your work properly.

Monday, October 10, 2011

NASA's 'Project M' Aims to Send Robot to the Moon

Could the U.S. put the first robot on the moon?
That is the goal of a small team of NASA scientists at the Johnson Space Center in Houston. As the world gears up for the launch of the Space Shuttle Discovery tomorrow with a humanoid robot ("robonaut") on board, another group of NASA scientists has proposed sending the same type of robot alone to the moon, in just 1,000 days. They call the idea Project M (M being the Roman numeral for 1,000).
As demonstrated in the concept video below, the robonot would travel to the moon on a small lander fueled by liquid methane and liquid oxygen, a cheap and lightweight fuel source. After landing, it could walk on the surface, perform some basic maintenance and construction duties, and test out student experiments.
Project M appears to have sprung out of some frustration over a lack of funding and bureacracy related to space research. Last fall, the Obama administration stopped funding the Houston center's ambitious Constellation project which would send more astronauts to the moon by 2020.
"We were frustrated. We saw what we had built and accomplished in the Engineering Directorate at JSC and knew we could do better. The talent was there; we just needed to unleash it," wrote project manager Matt Ondler on the Project M homepage.
The 1,000 day deadline is somewhat arbitrary, but as Ondler explained, the purpose is to complete the project before too many presidential administrations go by, thereby increasing the chance of its irrelevance.
The New York Times reports that Project M would cost no more than $450 million, a fraction of the $150 billion requested to send human astronauts to the moon.
A NASA spokeswoman said Project M was "just one of many ideas" floating around the center and has not been given authority to proceed, nor is there any active fundraising for the idea.

Yin, Sara. "NASA's 'Project M' Aims to Send Robot to the Moon | News & Opinion |" Technology Product Reviews, News, Prices & Downloads | | PC Magazine. Web. 10 Oct. 2011. <,2817,2372015,00.asp>.

Khan Academy!

    Were you ever confused about something  you learned at school, but felt to embarrassed to ask a question about it? Lucky you, because there's something called Khan Academy just a few clicks away. There's over 2,400 videos on EVERYTHING in math (From basic arithmetic's all the way to Calculus), science (Biology, chemistry, health care, astrology, computer sciences & more), and various other topics. Not to mention there's practice exercises, badges, and several other goodies. But the best part is, IT'S 100% FREE! Absolutely astonishing what you can learn there!

    For example, let's say you don't really get fractions, or you don't understand how to convert them. Simply head on to and there should be a search at the top middle. Just search for fractions and it'll give you ALL these videos to help you understand it so that you can ace that test and move on!  But you can also watch the video's in chronological order if you wanted to review, or even learn new things.

If you want to learn more about Khan Academy, check this out.
If you want to start learning right now, click this. Then navigate to whichever subject you want to learn about (Scroll down a bit and choose the play list)

    I would suggest reviewing stuff you didn't understand in Arithmetic's, then move on to Developmental Math 1. Finally, show off your pro math skills to your friends.

If you have any questions or comments, please write a comment down below  :D

Monday, October 3, 2011

Virtual Microscope

Virtual Microscope
This is soooo cool,
Check this virtual microscope out, click this link:
Click this link to learn how to use microscope
See if you can label your microscope, click this link:
Solve this mystery image puzzle, click this link:
Guess what these words are, click this link:

Play The cell Game And Many More!!

Play The Cell Gamean play this game
See if you can play this game.
Observe how your white blood cells attack foreign
body in your system. Click on this link and enjoy it.
Click on this link to see cell models
You can go the science textbook web site at
Your username is: learnscience
And your password is: goeagles
Enjoy many games and the site and remember to study the textbook by downloading e-book on your computer.
Find out more about cells
View this cell Power Point Presentation
If you want to create edible cell read the information below, just click on this link
View all key words and glossary

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Math Makes Sense Number Sense and Numeration

Wordle: Math Makes Sense

Look and identify all the key words and important concepts in our current unit Number Sense and Numeration. Check this blog site daily for more information and clues on our classroom activities.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Math Questions

Try Out These Questions

Q 1)

Mr. A. tore a piece of paper into three parts. He tore each part into three more parts. If Mr. A. repeated this action 12 times in total, how many pieces of paper would he have?


Mars is about 7^10km from the sun. Saturn is about 7^11km from the sun. About how many times the distance from the sun to mars is the distance from the sun to Saturn?
Think through the questions very well, contact your friends and try the questions together.
Good luck!