Saturday, October 1, 2011

Math Questions

Try Out These Questions

Q 1)

Mr. A. tore a piece of paper into three parts. He tore each part into three more parts. If Mr. A. repeated this action 12 times in total, how many pieces of paper would he have?


Mars is about 7^10km from the sun. Saturn is about 7^11km from the sun. About how many times the distance from the sun to mars is the distance from the sun to Saturn?
Think through the questions very well, contact your friends and try the questions together.
Good luck!

1 comment:

  1. 1) If he repeated the action 12 times, to find the answer you would have to do 3 to the power of 12 to find the answer. Which is 531 441.

    2)7^10= 282 475 249
    7^11= 1 977 326 743, If you divide 7^11 by 7^10 you will get 7 which is the answer. You can also tell just by looking. Since 7^11's exponent is one higher, and the base number is 7, you know the answer is seven.

    That is how to solve the questions if you are having any trouble.


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